Institute of Convergence Science, Yonsei University

Beginning of Research Center's Seminar

Research Center's Seminar

ICONS 세미나: 기술경영 연구센터 (센터장: 김진우 경영학과 교수)
PeriodOct 29, 2013
DateOct 28, 2013


다음과 같이 기술경영 연구센터(센터장: 김진우 경영학과 교수)에서 세미나가 개최되어 알려드립니다. 많은 관심과 참석 바랍니다.


날짜 및 시간: 10월 29일(화) 오후 5시 – 7시

장소: ICONS Room (학술정보원 721호)


강연자: Dr. Alan Hedge

강연제목: The Future of Usability

강연 요약: The talk will outline the conventional approaches to usability testing and then explore possible future developments in this field based on changing technologies and systems ergonomics.

Dr. Alan Hedge에 관한 소개는 다음과 같습니다.

De. Hedge is Professor, Design &Environmental Analysis, Cornell University. He directs the Human Factors and Ergonomics teaching and research programs. Prior to joining Cornell,  he ran the Graduate Program in Applied Psychology and Ergonomics at Aston University, Birmingham, U.K. His research and teaching activities have focused on issues of design and workplace ergonomics as these affect the health, comfort and productivity of workers. He has co-authored a book on  Healthy Buildings, and co-edited Advances in Ergonomics Modeling and Usability Evaluation and the Handbook of  Human Factors and Ergonomics Methods, published 38 book chapters and over 200 articles on these topics in the ergonomics and related journals and proceedings. He is a Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (U.S.A.), of the International Ergonomics Association, of the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (U.K.). He is a founding member of the International Society for Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ). He is on the editorial board of the journals Ergonomics, Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Journal of Human Environment Systems, and the Journal of Architectural and Planning Research

End of Research Center's Seminar

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[Wonju Campus] #135 Mirae Hall, 1 Yonseidae-gil, Wounju-si, Gangwon-do 220-710, Korea  |  Tel 82-33-760-5260, 5267
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