연세대학교 미래융합연구원

연구센터 세미나 콘텐츠 시작

연구센터 세미나

Research Metrics and Visual Analytics

Research Metrics and Visual Analytics

Dr. Chaomei Chen, Drexel University


일      시: Sept 7, 2016 (Wed) 14:00~17:00

장      소: 연세대학교 학술정보원 연세·삼성학술정보관 7층 장기원 국제회의실

공동주최: 미래융합연구원(사회문화오믹스 연구센터), SSK 연구단(시민행동 고취를 통한 더불어 사는 공동체 구현 방안에 대한 연구), 한국정보관리학회,

참  가 비: 10,000원

참가비 입금 계좌: 우체국  700674-01-008642 예금주 : 한국정보관리학회

참여신청: http://tinyurl.com/kosim-tutorial



This workshop aims to provide an overview of research metrics and visual analytics and why they should work with each other. The workshop also aims to introduce a visual analytic tool – CiteSpace – and demonstrate how one can use it to develop a good understanding of a scientific field or a broadly defined knowledge domain.  The workshop consists of three parts. In Part I, I will outline a number of grand challenges for research metrics and visual analytics. In Part II, I will introduce the basic concepts and principles used in the design and application of CiteSpace to identify various patterns and trends in a scientific field based on scientific literature. In Part III, I will demonstrate the visual analytic processes of using CiteSpace. Participants are encouraged to bring their own computers for the interactive session.



                  14:00-14:45           Part I: Grand Challenges

Why should Research Metrics and Visual Analytics work with each other?

15:00-15:45              Part II: CiteSpace 

Design Principles and Basic Concepts

16:00-16:45              Part III: CiteSpace

                   Case Studies and Try it on your own data

16:45-17:00              Summary and Conclusion



Dr. Chaomei Chen is a Professor of Informatics in the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel University. His research expertise is in the study of information and scientific knowledge, especially through computational and visual analytic approaches, including information visualization, visual analytics, knowledge domain visualization, mapping scientific frontiers, and theories of scientific discoveries and creativity. He is the founder and the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Information Visualization, the founder and the Specialty Chief Editor of Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics. He is the author of The Fitness of Information: Quantitative Assessments of Critical Information (Wiley, 2014), Turning Points: The Nature of Creativity(Springer, 2011), Information Visualization: Beyond the Horizon (Springer 2004, 2006) andMapping Scientific Frontiers: The Quest for Knowledge Visualization (Springer 2003, 2013). Dr. Chen has designed and developed the widely used visual analytics software CiteSpace for visualizing and analyzing structural and temporal patterns in scientific literature. For more information, see http://cluster.cis.drexel.edu/~cchen/bio.html

Homepage: http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~cc345/

Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IjN4HSRsdakC&hl=en

ResearchGate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chaomei_Chen/

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