연세대학교 미래융합연구원

연구센터 세미나 콘텐츠 시작

연구센터 세미나

인간과 로봇 연구센터 세미나 개최




미래융합연구원 인간과 로봇 연구센터에서 아래와 같이 강연을 개최하오니,

관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여를 바랍니다.



-  아  래  -   

1. 일시: 2018.05.17(목) 10:30 - 12:00   
2. 장소: 경영관 104호    
3. 강연자: Bill Smart (Robotics Research at Oregon State University)   
4. 강연내용:   
In this talk, I will summarize the wide variety of robotics research    
going on in the Collaborative Robotics and Intelligent Systems (CoRIS)    
Institute at Oregon State University.  This research spans the whole    
spectrum of robotics, from the mathematical underpinnings, through    
mechanical design and intelligent decision-making, to human-robot    
interaction.  In the first part of the talk, I will give an    
introduction to CoRIS, the Robotics Program, and a number of on-going    
projects that we are working on.  In the second half of the talk, I    
will focus more on some of the human-robot interaction research that    
we are doing, looking at how robots can have more expressive and    
readable actions, how we can build assistive robotic wheelchairs for    
people with severe motor disabilities, and how we can use robots in    
the fight against highly-infectious diseases, like Ebola.    
5. 강연자 정보:   
Bill Smart is a Professor in the Robotics Program at Oregon State    
University.  He is an Associate Director of the Collaborative Robotics    
and Intelligent Systems (CoRIS) institute, and Director of the    
Robotics Program.  Smart holds a Ph.D. and Sc.M. in Computer Science    
from Brown University, an M.Sc. in Intelligent Robotics from the    
University of Edinburgh, and a B.Sc. (hons) in Computer Science from    
the University of Dundee.  His research is focused in the areas of    
human-robot interaction, long-term autonomy, assistive robotics, and    
the interactions between robotics, policy, and law.    

연구센터 세미나 콘텐츠 종료

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[신촌캠퍼스] 서울시 서대문구 연세로 50 연세대학교 연세대학교 미래융합연구원 Tel  |  02-2123-6381~3
[원주캠퍼스] 강원도 원주시 연세대길 1 미래관 135호  |  Tel 033-760-5260, 5267
[국제캠퍼스] 인천광역시 연수구 송도과학로 85 자유관 A206호
[개인정보처리방침]   Copyright © 2013 Institute of Convergence Science, Yonsei University. All rights reserved.

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